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Room Rentals

SYB offers two options regarding room rentals, the Hudson Room and the Ballroom. Room rentals without catering are available on Sundays or weekdays. We allow special circumstances as well, so feel free to check with the manager by emailing us at

Hudson Room (accommodates up to 80 guests)

$350 for 5 hours

$375 for 6 hours

Ballroom (accommodates up to 320 guests)

$1000 for 6 hours ($2000 on Fridays if available)

Includes setup, the kitchen (excluding the oven/stove), ice machine, cooler, warmer, freezer, coffee maker, counter space, and sinks. 

All rental clients must bring own cups, sugar, coffee, creamer if using the coffee maker. The clients are also responsible for sweeping the kitchen, taking the trash to the dumpster, and wiping down the counters. Additional hours may be purchased. 

A beverage service is available for $5.00 per person which includes non alcoholic beverages and a bartender (included in price).


If alcoholic beverages are served, the client must use an SYB bartender at the cost of $14 per hour including a 1/2 hour to setup and 1/2 hour to clean up, and may also be required to pay for a security guard (SYB will furnish) at a cost of $180. The manager will determine if security is necessary.


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